Friday 30 January 2015

I'm not really a travelling person

I'm not exactly the type of person you'd expect to travel, for 3 main reasons. Firstly I'm a nurse and don't often get the chance to get away, I've also not long finished my degree so I actually haven't left the country for 4 years (unless you count wales, which I don't). Secondly as anyone who knows me will tell you, in my spare time I'm incredibly lazy. Its not unusual to get a text from my boyfriend when I have a day off asking if I'm up yet, because he knows I won't be. And thirdly my everyday handbag is likened by myself to the TARDIS, it may seem small, but I could move house with the amount of stuff in it, not exactly the kind of trait someone needs for a carry on baggage only trip!

However, despite all this I have decided to start travelling more often, even if this is just a few days away in a different European city every few months. This decision came about when I started to feel a little boring in front of my peers, everyone seems to have such great stories from going away with either friends or on their own. They normally did these things while younger than I am now, and so I suppose I feel like I'm making up for lost time. Another thing that helped me make this decision was that my boyfriend wasn't able to get time off for a skiing trip we had planned and so I was stuck with a chunk of annual leave and nothing to do.

So I'm starting small, in 3 days I'm travelling to Athens on my own for 3 nights. Its a tiny trip compared to a lot of the stories I've heard from peers, but hopefully its my first step to bigger things! I'm not saying I'll keep this blog while I'm there, for starters I won't have a computer. I will be able to make updates via my smartphone, and hopefully some posts pre and post trip from now on.

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